06 April 2006

Get You Some Bats

This email I got from Ideal Bite made me so happy because I adore bats. Here's what I copied and pasted from the letter:

The Bite:
Spring has arrived, and soon, so will the mosquitoes. To keep these pests at bay, skip pesticides and bug zappers and put a bat house in your yard.

The Benefits:
Many species of these misunderstood mammals are nature’s best control measure for night-flying insects like mosquitos. The little brown myotis, common across North America, can eat 2,000 in a night.

Electric "bug zappers" use more energy every month than two computers. Plus, these energy-suckers don’t catch a lot of blood-suckers: mostly they zap beneficial insects and harmless critters that would otherwise be food for birds, bats or fish.

The pesticide malathion, often used in mosquito control, interferes with the normal function of the nervous system and is highly toxic to frogs, honeybees, and other wildlife.

Dwindling habitats worldwide threatens bats’ survival, but bat houses can help. The odds of attracting bats with a well-built and mounted bat house are good - occupancy rates are up to 80%.

Wanna Try?:

Planet Natural - attractive cedar bat house attaches to walls or trees and can accommodate up to 40 bats ($40).

Bat-chelor Pad - designed for cooler locations preferred by solitary males, but is suitable for a small nursing colony ($27.50).

Build a Bat House - feeling batty and crafty? Build your own bat abode using these free plans.

Bat Conservation International - learn about the 1,100 species of bats (1/4 of the world’s mammal species!), become a member, or support conservation by purchasing bat houses and bat-themed gifts .


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