27 April 2006

Army Times poll says bye bye Rummy

Taken from AlterNet, written by Evan Derkacz, April 26th 2006 www.alternet.org/

In a thoroughly unscientific poll on the Army Times website, found by Raw Story, responders have voted 2 to 1 in favor of dumping the man widely seen as the architect of the Iraq War -- if it could be said to have structure, that is.

The question was as follows:

"Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has come under fire in recent weeks from a variety of retired generals, who say he should resign for his performance in managing the war in Iraq. Do you think the U.S. war effort is grounds for Secretary Rumsfeld to resign?"

When I clicked through to the Army Times page I found this advertisement occupying the middle of the page. I doubt it needs much commentary:

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