03 February 2007

Bill O'Reily hates America and is a loon

Below is a video from YouTube containing a segment where Bill O'Reily interviews Jim Fetzer, part of Scholars for 9/11 Truth.

Unbelievably, there are people who are hailing this video as proof that the theories put forth by the 9/11 Truth Movement can't hold up. What the hell? If anything, the only thing this video proves is that the media won't cover the story because they're too busy brainwashing it's viewers. The reason Mr. Fetzer can't provide any evidence during this taping is because O'Reily didn't give him a chance to. He was much to busy yelling "You hate America" repeatedly.

At one point toward the end of the video, O'Reily says "Number one, you hate your country; and number two, you're a loon." I disagree. It is in fact Bill O'Reily who hates this country; he represents the American media. The American media that refuse to provide unbiased and important news stories to the citizens to whom it concerns. The American media that makes up stories, cover-up legitimate stories that disagree with their particular angle, and uses propaganda that could rival the best Orwellian world.

There's a very real reason so many people despise America. It's because this garbage is what they see; it's because powerful Americans deny reality; it's because powerful Americans don't give a damn about the common people. I'm ashamed of this country and everyone who runs it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

um. no.