21 February 2006

Radio Frequency Identification

Here's a scary thought: Everywhere you go, everything you do, is being tracked. It could happen. RFID technology, otherwise known as Radio Frequency Identification, can be used to transmit data to "Big Brother." Of course, it can also be used for postive things. In fact, it is already being used. For example, computer chips in your skin that enable doctors to quickly find your medical records.
Whenever I read something about computer chips being implanted in people, I always think of the Left Behind books I read five years ago. In one of the books, the "satanists" decide to put "the mark of the devil" on people in the form of RFID technology. Although I doubt very much that's the case here, it's not unbelievable to think that the government could potentially do harm with this, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. ~*Ashley*~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great article you got here. It would be great to read a bit more concerning that matter. The only thing that blog needs is some photos of some gadgets.
John Kripke
Phone jammers